Friday, April 16, 2021

How to not to be afraid of your sketchbook


I realized that one of the biggest reasons for not sketching was the fear of drawing/painting ugly. Waisting pages for sketches that are not worth it. And having a sketchbook full of ugly sketches in the end. I´m sure I´m not alone with that fear. Well, last time I found a way to avoid that anxiety and my way might be otheres way so I want to share it!

I wish all of my sketchbook pages looked like this

We all see beautiful photos of sketchbooks online. We all think, that others are better drawers since their sketchbooks seem to be filled with pretty artworks only. But they aren´t. They only show their succeeded drawings. Why would they show failed ones? Note that: Every sketchbook is filled with great artworks, simple scribbles and "failed" drawings. Your sketchbook isn´t the only one. Accept, that none of your sketchbooks will ever be perfect, that´s simply impossible. Allow yourself to draw ugly. Allow yourself to make mistakes.


But they simply don´t.
Another thing that makes us afraid is waisting pages. You got that beautiful sketchbook from your local art store. Nice hardcover, nice aquarell-pages. It wasn´t that expencive but you don´t want to waste pages, you think it deserves pretty art only. Well, if you think that way you can get rid of it right away. You don´t waste a page when sketching. Isn´t sketching fun? Yes, it is! If you have fun while sketching the page is worth it. You improve with every sketch. Also, don´t feel forced to press many "ugly" scribbles on one page to "waste less pages", every sketch needs it´s space. You´ll see, that makes fast scribbles look much better. 

A sketch that is wether good nor bad

It happens a lot that people want to see your sketches when you sketch in public. I often show my sketches then, even if I don´t feel comfortable about it. I´m sure many of you too. We have to improve on saying no. You also wouldn´t read your diary entries out loud if someone asked you for it, right? There is that fear of judgement, that people see our sketches and think "oh, this person cannot draw". That we get critizised for what we do. If you show your sketches by youself you shouldn´t be offended if people critisize you. But without permission it would be disrespectful of them to judge since you did not want them to see it. 


I mentioned some of the problems I have been struggeling with, now I will give you some tips that helped me to loose the fear of sketching. It comes back sometimes (expecally when people suddenly look over my shoulder while I´m sketching) but these tips help me to fight it.

  •  Your sketchbook is allowed to contain ugly sketches. Learn to accept them.
  • Do not show your sketchbook to others if you don´t want to get judged.
  • You do not waste pages by drawing on them. You´d waste them if you wouldn´t.

Things to do:

  1. When you start a sketch, don´t start on the next page. Start on any page. That way those "ugly sketches" don not demotivate you by following one after another. Also, you tend more to judge the latest sketches then you do with old ones. So if you draw a new one beside an old one you don´t wrestle your hands above your untalented skills. For better orientation, write the date beside every sketch. Or number the pages whereve you draw the next sketch.
  2. Leave space. Don´t press skribbles all on one page just because you think each scribble doesen´t deserve a single page. As you can see on the picture above, I left the fast sketches on the left side alone and it looks good that way. 
  3. If you do step one and two, it should help you to loose your fear of waisting the sketchbook a bit. If it doesen´t note down what makes you feel waisting the sketchbook and do exacly that (if it´s not burning that poor book). If you´re done, note down how it felt. Was it that terrible?
  4. If you don´t want others to see what you draw when you´re in public, choose a place with a wall or something big behind you, so nobody can come from behind. If people just go straight to you and look inside without your permission, gentely close your book and say, you don´t want this person to look on your personal things. Can be hard but we have to learn that, for our own sake. 
  5. You could make a web page (on for example) where you upload the sketches you´re willing others to see. If you´re out on public, give this web page to the people who want to see what you draw, that way they get kind of what they want without you being uncomfortable.

That´s it for this blog, I hope it helped you out! Try these advices, if you have some aswell, comment them down below! I´d love to hear some more, I still need to figure out how to beat my fear completely. Have a nice day and keep creating.

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