Friday, April 16, 2021

How to keep up with daily journaling


You always wanted to keep up with daily journaling but only made it for five days? Welcome tho this article. I want to give you tips that helped me keeping up. Now I´m journaling since about 250 days daily! Totally without force. I really hope my way of keeping up will help you to get on yours.

 Here are reasons for why you should start a (daily) journal:


Ask yourself. Why do you want to journal? What are your goals on journaling? What stops you from daily journaling? Why? How can you avoid that? Think of some other questions that might help you to dig deep.

For example: If you can´t keep up because you´re too tired in the evening for writing an entry (that used to be one of my problems), why not choosing another time? Like the morning?

Note all of those questions down and answer them honestly. If you know the problem you´ll be much better in fighting it.

In the following, I will share some tips that got me into daily journaling. I started immediatly. I chose to start and I kept up with it until this day. However, here are some tips I find helpful:

  • Write in the morning. If you started a new day it´s much easier to sit down and write than if your day is over and you just tired and want to go to sleep.
  •  The key of daily journaling is to build a habit. You do that by doing it every day at the same time, expecally when you just started out. When the habit is built you don´t really have to write the same time in the morning, you will write at least one time at the day since journaling got as usual as brushing teeth. But when starting out it´s better to have a regulated plan of when to journal, so it get´s easier to keep up with it.
  •  It is very important that you don´t force yourself to write about a ceirtain topic. Like about the walk you went for with your friend. You might wanna remember that later, but describing every detail instead of writing about your life goals that are on your mind leads to nothing.
  • If you really don´t want to write grap your journal, write date and note: "I really don´t want to write today" or "Don´t want to write". This will take less than a minute but you kept up daily journaling and working on building that habit! 
  • Force yourself at least 60 days, If it still doesen´t work then, you should try another way of journaling.  
That´s it for this entry! Hope it helps. If you have more tips, feel free to comment them down below! Stay healthy and keep writing.


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How to keep up with daily journaling

  You always wanted to keep up with daily journaling but only made it for five days? Welcome tho this article. I want to give you tips th...